
Macro photography of plants found near me.

My interest is in exploring the tiny details of the plant world.  I use specialized lenses and equipment to reveal the world that we don’t see.  The photographs are taken in the studio using multiple lights.  I use a StackShot focusing rail to move the camera in extremely small steps, taking one photograph at each step. The camera is controlled through Helicon software and the finished ‘stack’ of pictures is loaded into another Helicon program .  Helicon Focus takes all the photos and selects only the portion of each which is in focus and assembles them into one finished photograph.  Most of these photographs are built from 30 to 90 separate images.

The entire process is painstaking:  setting up, focusing, lighting and taking a stack may take an hour.  Sometimes an evening’s work can result in hours of enjoyment but not a single picture worth saving.